At NCC we call our small groups “Gospel Communities”.
What are Gospel Communities?
Gospel Communities (GC) are discipleship focused, cross-generational small groups of 5-10 people that meet in member’s homes throughout the week. As fully devoted followers of Christ (disciples) we are called to live in community with one another. GCs help us grow as disciples who make disciples.
They are a place to learn more about Jesus Christ and live life together as we walk in the hope of Christ and are transformed by His Gospel. Each GC is unique based on the group that attends, but they all include a time of studying/ applying God’s Word, prayer, friendship, encouragement, challenges, and care. You can expect open and honest discussion of God’s Word and to be prayed for and deeply loved. Most groups focus on the application of the weekend sermon but others study separate books of the Bible based on the needs of the group.
As image bearers of our Triune God (The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we are called to live in community with one-another. When we attempt to live outside the Body of Christ, our spiritual growth is hindered. Worse yet, when we live outside of the Body of Christ, we actually hinder the growth of other disciples of Jesus as we are denying them the spiritual gifting that God has given us to serve His Church. This world is far too complex, dark, and tempting to walk alone. GCs are a place where we can carry out the one-another commands in Scripture to edify and equip each other for Gospel ministry for the glory of our King.
GCs are also a means of reaching others for Christ. When our non-believing family and friends see us living in light of the Gospel in a caring community that is marked by love and repentance, it serves as a powerful testimony to the radical transforming love of God (John 13:34-35).
Please join a Gospel Community and covenant with us to live lives that are marked by love for Jesus, His Church, and the communities He has called us to love.
To join a group today, please contact the church office by email by clicking here, or by phone, 510-796-7729.